Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Two reasons why Resident Evil 5 will rock: the producers have shot for a setting that has ‘a similar feel to the film Black Hawk Down’, and the development team is composed of talented staff members who worked on the first Resident Evil. Potential for awesomeness: high. Couple all that with some solid online co-op action, jaw-dropping graphics, and more ‘fast zombie’ action than you can poke a boomstick at – and we’re all in for a real treat. No doubt resident evil fans like myself are hungry for resident evil 5 and with Chris Redfield back in the Drivers seat you cant ask for anything else. What new secrets await us fans and what will become of resident evil, well only one thing is for sure if chris redfield is back kicking butt then possibly albert wesker wont be far behind.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


At E3 2008 square-enix announced that to me which is one of the most anticipated games of this generation will be released on the xbox 360 final fantasy 13. Many PS3 fans are upset at the fact that its being released on the xbox 360 and thus keep using the word traitor and some are worried that it will be less than perfect on the PS3 but in an interview with one of the games creators has stated that both will be equal so i dont see what the big problem is so what if its coming for the xbox 360 its a added bonus for 360 fans everywhere. Final word from me square-enix is making a good move finacialy and is giving fans of the final fantasy universe worldwide the oppetunity to not miss out.